41.   For such a patient, the benefits of success would clearly outweigh the risks, he said.

42.   Grotta said the benefits of the drug clearly outweighed its risks.

43.   He decided the rewards outweighed the risks.

44.   His profits, he said, far outweigh the risks that a deal might go sour.

45.   I brought my video camera, figuring that the benefits of having a personal record of the journey outweighed the risks of looking cheezy.

46.   However, the analysis found the benefits far outweighed the risks of such complications.

47.   I think some of these institutions probably see the benefits far outweighing the risks.

48.   In any case, they concluded, the political advantages outweighed the risks of assimilation.

49.   In any case, we believe that the advantages of this project outweigh this risk and that we can effectively rebut criticism of the waiver.

50.   In fact, the administration maintains that the risk of not helping Russian scientists far outweighs the risk of doing so.

v. + risk >>共 497
take 13.91%
reduce 12.96%
increase 8.50%
run 5.86%
pose 4.71%
carry 3.83%
raise 2.50%
minimize 2.25%
face 2.20%
lower 1.85%
outweigh 1.29%
outweigh + n. >>共 273
risk 12.69%
benefit 8.64%
concern 5.33%
disadvantage 4.05%
cost 3.94%
drawback 2.45%
gain 2.35%
bad 2.13%
negative 1.92%
loss 1.92%
每页显示:    共 118