41.   France also has an outstanding moral debt to a Jewish population decimated by wartime deportations from occupied France to Nazi death camps.

42.   He had some cash and some outstanding debts at the end of the year.

43.   Henthorn said LeRoue refused to settle the suit when he offered to repay any outstanding debts.

44.   I have purchased a new home, mortgage-free, and have no outstanding debts.

45.   In addition, the comptroller outlined her proposals for increased job training, better financial planning and tighter controls over outstanding debt.

46.   In the first year, for example, the organization would have to agree to erase all outstanding debt owed by the United States.

47.   In the future, the tax-collecting agency will also consider hiring contractors to help it process tax forms and to help it collect outstanding debts.

48.   Investors and underwriters expect more bonds to come to market as the lower interest rates make it more likely that some municipalities will refinance their outstanding debt.

49.   Issuers can use forward agreements to refinance outstanding debt at current interest rates.

50.   Investors are concerned though that most of the outstanding debt is due to be paid soon.

a. + debt >>共 750
foreign 9.87%
huge 3.95%
short-term 3.92%
public 3.72%
corporate 3.54%
new 3.25%
heavy 2.72%
federal 2.03%
outstanding 1.92%
mounting 1.76%
outstanding + n. >>共 852
issue 7.52%
share 3.85%
debt 3.61%
performance 3.25%
player 3.25%
warrant 2.67%
loan 2.26%
play 1.57%
contribution 1.46%
problem 1.29%
每页显示:    共 130