41.   Foreign governments, including Australia and New Zealand, have helped fund and organize the election.

42.   Frowick used his power to overrule Muslims and Croats in an OSCE body organizing the elections.

43.   Geremek said that the OSCE, which last year organized elections in Bosnia and Albania, is only as strong as its participating states make it.

44.   Haiti has lacked a parliament since February, when most legislative terms expired before new elections could be organized.

45.   Haitian and U.N. officials have said it would take about three months to organize elections -- which are due in February -- once a council is formed.

46.   He agreed a transitional authority should be established to organize elections.

47.   He also said Dos Santos plans to organize elections.

48.   However, officials at the Interior Ministry, which organized the elections, said early results gave Biya a strong lead in the polls.

49.   His comments appeared aimed at bolstering talks between Russian and Chechen rebel negotiators, who tentatively agreed Friday to organize elections and extend a shaky cease-fire.

50.   In addition, he said, the United Nations probably will have to organize presidential elections in late March or early April.

v. + election >>共 365
hold 18.63%
win 11.77%
call 7.74%
lose 3.11%
boycott 3.00%
contest 2.24%
schedule 1.86%
follow 1.78%
postpone 1.74%
monitor 1.65%
organize 1.03%
organize + n. >>共 1011
protest 4.80%
demonstration 3.22%
event 3.11%
rally 2.97%
meeting 2.53%
conference 2.37%
election 2.32%
trip 2.05%
group 2.01%
march 1.61%
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