41.   The Yugoslav war crimes tribunal Friday issued an international arrest warrant against Croatian Serb leader Milan Martic for allegedly ordering terrorist bombings of downtown Zagreb last May.

42.   Then-President Reagan also accused Gadhafi of ordering the bombing, and retaliated with deadly air strikes on two Libyan cities.

43.   Then-President Reagan accused Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi of ordering the bombing and retaliated with deadly air strikes on two Libyan cities.

44.   U.S. officials said when the inner circle would order the bombing of an embassy, Abu Zubaydah would select the embassy, cell and method of attack.

45.   Iraq on Monday accused Israel of having ordered the bombing that killed four people at a church here.

46.   Both are agreed, however, that the proceedings have left a lot of questions unanswered -- notably who ordered the bombing.

47.   Botha ordered the bombing of a trade union office in Johannesburg in which two people were injured, De Kock said.

48.   The familes of British Lockerbie victims say they hope the trial will pave the way for an inquiry to determine exactly who ordered the bombing.

49.   The families of British Lockerbie victims say they hope the trial will pave the way for an inquiry to determine exactly who ordered the bombing.

50.   The man who threw the grenade was arrested at the scene and identified another man who had ordered the bombing.

v. + bombing >>共 239
condemn 10.75%
follow 5.66%
stop 4.50%
blame 4.45%
include 4.13%
investigate 3.86%
carry 3.60%
plan 3.02%
claim 2.70%
order 2.65%
order + n. >>共 1617
investigation 4.64%
arrest 2.40%
killing 2.29%
release 1.93%
inquiry 1.87%
evacuation 1.80%
attack 1.62%
halt 1.26%
test 1.19%
murder 1.16%
bombing 0.56%
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