41.   The GOP opponents include Rep. Tom DeLay, the Republican whip, and five committee chairmen.

42.   The other opponents included China, Iran and Iraq.

43.   The opponents include the state Republican Party and state Comptroller H. Carl McCall, a Democrat who is considering running for governor next year.

44.   The opponents of vouchers include teachers unions, civil liberties groups, church-state separatists and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

45.   The six opponents include three union representatives and Robert Ball, a former Social Security commissioner who has worked closely with Democrats in Congress for more than two decades.

46.   Their opponents include Individual Style.

47.   Opponents include diehard communists as well as people who question the need to join another military alliance after the collapse of the Warsaw Pact.

48.   Opponents include the National School Boards Association, the National Conference of State Legislatures and the American Association of School Administrators.

49.   Opponents included the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance and the Sierra Club, which sent e-mails to members asking them to urge their representatives to kill the measure.

50.   Opponents include apostolic church sects who reject schooling and western medicine.

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symptom 1.06%
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dead 0.87%
opponent 0.16%
opponent + v. >>共 759
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accuse 1.94%
call 1.53%
claim 1.48%
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