41.   Dar es Salaam has a shortage of clean water and some parts of the city have open sewers, which overflow when it rains.

42.   For more than a week, refugees have been relieving themselves in a muddy field that has become a foul-smelling open sewer.

43.   Guiding a reporter through a labyrinth of alleys between destroyed homes, Rexhepi showed where he managed to slip away and scurry along an open sewer.

44.   He stepped into what he believed was a puddle of water, slipping into an open sewer drain that workers failed to mark with warning signs.

45.   Human and industrial waste together with pesticides and other chemical runoffs from farms are turning it into an open sewer.

46.   In a rocky ravine painted orange by the setting sun, children scoop water from an open sewer for a bath.

47.   It is a warren of adobe hovels, with fetid open sewers running down its dirt tracks.

48.   It thrives and matures in fresh water found in homes, schools and businesses, as well as in open sewers and polluted rivers.

49.   Lagos is a great swath of traffic-choked urban purgatory across polluted lagoons and open sewers.

50.   Market women there sold charcoal, soursop and plantains alongside an open sewer where fat pigs and mangy dogs routed through garbage.

a. + sewer >>共 96
open 28.95%
new 8.27%
public 3.76%
broken 3.38%
innumerable 3.01%
sanitary 2.63%
underground 2.63%
main 2.26%
municipal 2.26%
old 1.88%
open + n. >>共 863
space 5.41%
field 2.69%
mind 2.21%
window 2.03%
court 1.94%
seat 1.79%
air 1.65%
arm 1.63%
fire 1.59%
sky 1.51%
sewer 0.58%
每页显示:    共 77