41.   The only genuine online privacy protection is informed, written consent.

42.   There are a number of good sites for general information on online privacy, including legislative measures.

43.   They want it to start taking sides on policy issues, from proposed taxes on commercial transations over the Internet to online privacy and copyright issues.

44.   Thoughtful and balanced online privacy legislation, in conjunction with self-regulation and enforcement of existing laws, is needed.

45.   When it comes to online privacy, it seems that the Clinton administration has not been practicing what it preaches.

46.   With so many people contacting lawmakers about protecting online privacy, Congress is widely expected to take some action this year.

47.   Amid growing concerns about online privacy, Hewlett-Packard Co. will preinstall privacy-protection software in its Pavilion personal computers sold in North America.

48.   Concern about online privacy has been a hot topic for years.

49.   Last month, Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, a Democrat, proposed a bill to help Internet users maintain online privacy and fend off unwanted electronic mails.

50.   Surprisingly, though, they ranked consumer fears about privacy and security as more formidable barriers, even though the industry has discouraged government regulation over online privacy.

a. + privacy >>共 223
personal 9.26%
online 6.75%
medical 6.08%
federal 5.03%
individual 3.70%
new 3.17%
dutch 2.38%
greater 2.12%
financial 1.98%
patient 1.85%
online + n. >>共 1289
service 10.02%
retailer 3.07%
auction 2.53%
music 2.15%
site 1.55%
store 1.52%
business 1.46%
company 1.46%
brokerage 1.43%
sale 1.23%
privacy 0.54%
每页显示:    共 51