41.   More important, as men age, there are few tighter bonds than those between old enemies.

42.   New enemies turn old enemies into friends.

43.   Now AIDS is back on the front page, and the activists are back in business, drawing strength from their old enemy.

44.   Old enemies from old wars have been laid to rest now amid the ruins that define our new enemies.

45.   Old enemies reconciling for the greater global good?

46.   Our old enemy Russia is our new ally.

47.   Other speakers took swipes at New York City and urban dwellers in general, at the media and at old enemies like Clinton and Gore.

48.   Renamo never accepted the results of the election, accusing Frelimo of widespread fraud, and the charges have heightened the inherent tension between the old enemies.

49.   Real peace will come when we finally honor ourselves, our children and our old enemy.

50.   Some complained that Clinton was building up an old enemy by getting Russia involved in the peace dialogue.

a. + enemy >>共 497
former 11.37%
political 8.81%
worst 6.11%
bitter 4.91%
old 4.60%
common 3.76%
sworn 3.09%
natural 2.49%
new 1.83%
potential 1.72%
old + n. >>共 1367
friend 4.16%
day 3.78%
one 2.74%
woman 1.55%
people 1.29%
system 1.26%
way 1.20%
house 1.18%
building 1.06%
lady 0.87%
enemy 0.35%
每页显示:    共 130