41.   Tracing the number plates, the parents of the victim then went to the home of the car owner and seized a man and his wife.

42.   For example, his car had been stopped by police during business trips just because it carried a Yamanashi-registered number plate.

43.   He was stopped as he drove in a Mercedes car with Iranian diplomatic number plates, the source said.

44.   Israeli-registered cars have yellow number plates, while Palestinian cars have white and green plates.

45.   An overhaul in the car registration system in September said drivers could only carry the EU flag and the letters GB on their number plates.

46.   And on Wednesday, the bullet-ridden body of another man was found in a hire car carrying Israeli number plates in the northern West Bank.

47.   But most cars and motorcycles on the roads had their number plates covered for fear of being identified and punished later by the Maoists for defying the strike call.

48.   Cars with Palestinian number plates remained barred from Israel and workers had to cross checkpoints on foot and be picked up by their employers on the other side.

49.   Demonstrators said they had no fear of intervention by the secret police, although some expressed distrust of the Mercedes that drive around the town without number plates.

50.   Diplomatic vehicles are easily identifiable by their special yellow number plates with the initials CD.

a. + plate >>共 525
serving 8.46%
metal 7.75%
number 3.80%
individual 3.70%
tectonic 2.99%
large 2.84%
full 2.58%
small 2.53%
warm 2.13%
plastic 1.62%
number + n. >>共 220
plate 16.16%
two 4.74%
portability 3.23%
theory 2.37%
three 1.29%
five 1.29%
four 1.29%
are 1.29%
pad 1.29%
code 1.29%
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