41.   Securing consensus among the parties has been seen as the first hurdle toward negotiating peace with militants seeking a homeland for the Tamil minority.

42.   Several attempts at negotiating peace have so far deadlocked, but the ceasefire has remained tenuous.

43.   Sinzoyiheba had been a strong proponent for negotiating peace.

44.   Syrian President Hafez Assad is genuinely interested in negotiating peace, top European officials told Israeli leaders Wednesday.

45.   The anti-Taliban alliance accused the religious militia of negotiating peace while heavily bombing the area they control.

46.   The Bosnian Serb military commander said he was for negotiating peace.

47.   The dissidents number hundreds of guerrillas and are in the process of negotiating peace with the government.

48.   The EPR emerged while the government was negotiating peace with the Zapatista National Liberation Army in the southeastern state of Chiapas.

49.   The heavy losses underscored the military advantage of the rebel Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia and fueled doubts about the sincerity of its professed interest in negotiating peace.

50.   The MNLF on Thursday joined members of the Philippine Congress in calling for President Fidel Ramos to be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating peace.

a. + peace >>共 587
international 5.25%
nato-led 4.56%
lasting 3.79%
final 3.58%
bosnian 3.53%
new 3.40%
permanent 3.06%
arab-israeli 2.84%
stalled 2.81%
fragile 1.95%
negotiating 0.48%
negotiating + n. >>共 348
table 29.70%
team 12.73%
session 6.79%
position 3.59%
process 3.39%
committee 2.71%
partner 2.33%
peace 1.67%
authority 1.53%
skill 1.42%
每页显示:    共 61