41.   Reversing course, the Bush administration assigned Tenet to negotiate security arrangements with senior Israeli and Palestinian experts and try to lay groundwork for resuming peace talks.

42.   Some active investors negotiate such arrangements with their brokers.

43.   Tenet, who left Tuesday, was assigned to negotiate security arrangements with senior Israeli and Palestinian experts and try to lay groundwork for resuming peace talks.

44.   The Israeli media said a majority of ministers backed a proposal for a pullout after negotiating security arrangements with Lebanon.

45.   The Orioles are expected to send representatives to Cuba as early as this week to negotiate arrangements for a game in Cuba and one in Baltimore.

46.   The Rockets and the authority have been negotiating an arrangement for a new arena since February.

47.   The text gives UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali flexibility in negotiating implementation arrangements but he must report back to the Security Council before taking any decision.

v. + arrangement >>共 409
make 33.68%
discuss 5.08%
have 4.20%
negotiate 1.96%
announce 1.75%
work_out 1.71%
approve 1.62%
complete 1.29%
handle 1.25%
accept 1.12%
negotiate + n. >>共 655
agreement 8.19%
settlement 7.09%
contract 6.22%
deal 5.82%
end 4.62%
release 3.61%
peace 2.88%
price 2.53%
cease-fire 1.90%
compromise 1.86%
arrangement 0.82%
每页显示:    共 47