41.   But Unz and other proponents say that weaning children off their native languages over a number of years stunts their overall academic development, leaving them grades behind.

42.   Canadians speak a native language very much like our own.

43.   Carl Gorman was born on the reservation and was punished at a mission school when he spoke his native language instead of English.

44.   Casinos have hired Chinese marketing executives and hosts and hostesses who can speak to customers in their native language.

45.   Chat Thiet grew up in Vietnam knowing her native language and French.

46.   Children especially from semi-literate families do not always bring from home sufficient background in a native language.

47.   Currently, Mormon elder Luther Sweet and about a dozen Yavapai choir members translate lyrics into written Yavapai so the group can sing traditional hymns in their native language.

48.   Discussion groups allow partisans to swap analysis and opinion, not always typing in a native language.

49.   District bilingual officials say native language remains the focus of their plan because they believe it works.

50.   Deeper questions of language and mind, including how young children can dope out their native language from the wash of adult talk surrounding them, were never considered.

a. + language >>共 1403
foreign 6.28%
english 4.17%
official 4.14%
native 2.74%
programming 2.46%
second 2.34%
different 2.24%
new 2.15%
local 1.83%
same 1.79%
native + n. >>共 672
country 8.69%
language 7.13%
land 6.13%
plant 5.51%
tongue 3.73%
people 3.59%
son 3.51%
species 3.20%
speaker 2.84%
title 2.23%
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