41.   At stake are millions of dollars in profits on stock trades and a growing industry of electronic trading systems.

42.   Barely eight months ago, for instance, millions of Ethiopians were on the brink of starvation as rains and crops failed in the south.

43.   Before Tiananmen, it was hard for Westerners to grasp just how furiously dissatisfied millions of Chinese were with their government.

44.   Bolstering their efforts are millions of dollars being spent by other groups such as the National Abortion Rights Action League, in identical strategies targeting the same voters.

45.   A century ago, there were millions of chimpanzees across Africa, the scientists said.

46.   Almost lost from consideration are the millions that should go to improve public health, education and research which would save money and protect health.

47.   Along with the enormous deposits of vermiculite in the earth of nearby Zonolite Mountain are millions of tons of tremolite, a rare and exceedingly toxic form of asbestos.

48.   Alongside the billions are a few millions of dollars for other national programs with significant implications for Texas residents.

49.   All over Japan and in nearby countries like Korea, Taiwan and China, millions of students are absorbing music with a passion that is rare in the West.

50.   But at this holiday season everybody knows that all is not well with America, that millions of Americans are hurting, frustrated, disappointed, even angry.

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