41.   Church members had taken special interest in the inner-city child.

42.   Clergy members take turns with the weekly sermon, while local musicians provide music.

43.   Conway said the FBI investigation is continuing in an effort to sort out which gang members took part in which robberies.

44.   Council members took up the issue after receiving complaints from residents concerned about their safety if the tiger ever broke loose.

45.   Crew members nervously take sides.

46.   Committee members took turns asking his counsel on how to duplicate the New York model.

47.   Crew members are taking rimantadine, intended to block the spread of the virus, he said.

48.   Congressional members have lately taken to whining about their weakness.

49.   Dobson said modern culture is embracing moral relativism and is surprised when church members take the Bible at face value.

50.   Don Saliers, a professor of theology at Emory University, says there are precautions single clergy members can take to reduce feelings of isolation.

n. + take >>共 1201
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member + v. >>共 800
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