41.   The overall immigration measure provides additional funds for the U.S. Border Patrol, and contains provisions to speed the deportation process for illegal immigrants.

42.   The Senate version, passed unanimously, called for full federalization, while the House measure provided for federal oversight of private security workers.

43.   The Symington-backed measure would provide child-care subsidies for families on welfare, as well as for families transitioning off of welfare for up to two years.

44.   The U.S. House of Representatives passed the first pension-reform bill Thursday, but the measure provides far less protection for employees than consumer advocates wanted.

45.   These measures provide for a state credential, such as certified dietitian or nutritionist, but do not deny people without the title the right to practice.

46.   To appeal to farm state legislators, the measure would provide tax breaks to farmers and ranchers who have been hit by a downturn in agriculture.

47.   Unlike earlier space station bills, this measure provides long-term funding for completion of the space station.

48.   Whether the measure signed Tuesday provides the tools to reduce crime or is merely a flimsy bauble to dangle before voters is something still being debated.

49.   Amendment supporters say the measure would provide the pressure needed to force lawmakers to finally address the deficit.

50.   European Union rescue measures provide only temporary relief and are inadequate, he said.

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