41.   In recent years the photographic shops have begun to lose their hold on the market with supermarkets, convenience stores and others beginning to sell film and film equipment.

42.   Despite decades of Communism, superstition has not lost its hold on the Vietnamese.

v. + hold >>共 179
take 49.75%
get 11.04%
grab 4.04%
consolidate 2.92%
keep 2.04%
strengthen 2.04%
have 1.96%
put 1.92%
catch 1.88%
maintain 1.79%
lose 1.75%
lose + n. >>共 773
job 6.42%
money 4.88%
control 3.64%
game 2.65%
ground 2.64%
weight 2.04%
power 1.18%
interest 1.16%
sight 0.99%
confidence 0.99%
hold 0.10%
每页显示:    共 42