41.   White was the lone dissenter only three times, he said.

42.   White was the lone dissenter three times, he said.

a. + dissenter >>共 66
lone 24.00%
the 12.57%
only 8.57%
political 8.57%
sole 4.00%
republican 2.86%
religious 1.71%
lonely 1.14%
fourth 1.14%
intellectual 1.14%
lone + n. >>共 797
gunman 6.32%
goal 4.23%
survivor 2.54%
woman 2.09%
dissenter 1.91%
vote 1.77%
voice 1.73%
figure 1.50%
exception 1.32%
man 1.27%
每页显示:    共 42