41.   Besides local stations, at least two dozen out- of-town stations are expected to send news crews and satellite trucks here for the Games.

42.   -- The House bill would maintain laws preventing simultaneous ownership of a local TV station and a cable station in a market.

43.   A big open question is how many local stations within a market the satellite company will be obliged to carry.

44.   A button on the DBS remote control allows for easy switching between dish service and local station programming.

45.   A frenzy of activity as local stations declare Clinton and Durbin the big winners in Illinois.

46.   A local FM station broadcasts the Serbian-language programs of Radio Free Europe, Voice of America, the BBC and Deutsche Welle all day long.

47.   A local TV station might even, in its rush to have something to report, throw a damning story on the air without bothering to check its accuracy.

48.   A local TV station was filming outside the Georgia Dome ticket office, where Ragsdale was working overtime.

49.   A local TV station had a call-in poll asking whether Dykes should resign now or wait until the end of the season.

50.   A local TV station went to the Bay Area to film a segment about him.

a. + station >>共 892
local 9.09%
new 4.75%
voting 2.88%
pumping 2.82%
base 2.76%
private 2.64%
broadcast 2.59%
nearby 1.79%
warning 1.61%
independent 1.57%
local + n. >>共 935
official 4.23%
government 4.23%
authority 4.11%
police 2.59%
resident 2.54%
newspaper 1.92%
hospital 1.77%
election 1.63%
medium 1.52%
people 1.38%
station 0.57%
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