41.   The organization has spent the past year lobbying lawmakers for relief.

42.   The small but growing satellite dish industry has spent three years lobbying lawmakers to change a law that prevents them from offering subscribers local programming.

43.   Top administration officials continued to fan out over Capitol Hill to lobby lawmakers.

44.   Under the statute, the lawyers can still lobby lawmakers, just not while receiving federal money, the administration adds.

45.   Waterbury ambulance company Medstar sends emergency medical tech Dan Mastropietro, their employee of the year, to lobby lawmakers in Washington.

46.   Whitman has declined to personally lobby lawmakers on this issue, saying she believes each legislator must make up his or her own mind.

47.   A delegation of Innu was in London recently, launching a campaign to lobby lawmakers in NATO countries against the flights over Innu ancestral lands.

48.   A new command center in the White House complex is coordinating trade efforts among seven Cabinet agencies and administration officials who lobby lawmakers.

49.   Barker was visiting Washington to lobby lawmakers on behalf of a bill that would protect animals such as elephants that are part of entertainment acts.

50.   But McGuinness emphasized after his victory that he and Adams would travel regularly to London to lobby other lawmakers outside the parliamentary door.

v. + lawmaker >>共 415
lobby 4.90%
tell 3.34%
say 2.86%
include 2.72%
accuse 2.04%
call 1.50%
ask 1.36%
address 1.29%
criticize 1.23%
anger 1.16%
lobby + n. >>共 166
government 12.37%
member 9.89%
lawmaker 8.48%
official 4.48%
legislator 4.12%
leader 3.53%
campaign 2.36%
state 2.24%
firm 2.00%
group 2.00%
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