41.   You had both sides lined up along the border, ready to fight over race.

42.   Animal merchants lined both sides of a congested road, hawking a wide variety of Egyptian wildlife.

43.   But Russian television journalists said they saw women lining one side of the road out of Sarajevo, spitting at cars carrying Serbs.

44.   Crowds of cheering students from the all-women college lined both sides of the route and screamed encouragement to all the marathoners -- but especially the women.

45.   He untangled coils of green wire and dangling bulbs, then nimbly wrapped them around evergreens and stretched them out to line each side of the driveway.

46.   Hotel guards locked the gates, so the protesters lined both sides of the driveway.

47.   Lining both sides of the red carpet were French Republican Guards, their swords drawn, wearing their characteristic silver and brass helmets with black horsehair and red feathers.

48.   Strikers lined both sides of Chocolate Avenue, and truckers honked their horns in a noisy display of solidarity.

49.   Street vendors lined both sides of the street, offering everything from T-shirts to seat cushions to souvenir pins and hats.

50.   The Canadian side is lined with summer camps.

v. + side >>共 915
take 10.08%
switch 3.68%
see 2.43%
retire 2.38%
choose 1.96%
leave 1.63%
have 1.56%
bring 1.47%
change 1.36%
tell 1.36%
line 1.09%
line + n. >>共 666
street 16.63%
wall 5.96%
single 5.40%
road 5.24%
route 3.43%
pocket 2.03%
side 1.87%
double 1.50%
support 1.47%
ball 1.40%
每页显示:    共 60