41.   In some markets, airline spokesmen noted, a limited supply of seats also are offered at lower unrestricted fares.

42.   Indeed, the bond market rally could also be tied to the prospects of limited supplies, some analysts said.

43.   In theory, such a large increase in the money supply would push interest rates down as more money chased a limited supply of bonds.

44.   In the meantime, state health officials hope to make up the shortfall with their own limited supply of vaccine.

45.   Indeed, the bond market rally may also be tied to the prospects of limited supplies, some analysts said.

46.   Investors have been chasing a limited supply of mortgage securities for weeks in an effort to find higher yields than they get on Treasury or corporate bonds.

47.   It quickly drained away stocks of vaccine and triggered fierce federal-state feuds over who should get the limited supplies.

48.   Ko-Rec-Type is still available, but only in limited supplies.

49.   Now pilgrims can roam the entire country, and a limited supply of previously nonexistent tourist visas is on offer.

50.   Second, Jacobson argues, as have others, that colors are in limited supply.

a. + supply >>共 909
medical 11.85%
short 6.15%
emergency 3.38%
humanitarian 2.87%
new 2.72%
ample 2.19%
tight 2.10%
adequate 1.91%
military 1.68%
limited 1.46%
limited + n. >>共 1353
number 6.63%
amount 2.91%
resource 2.42%
time 2.15%
success 2.01%
partnership 1.86%
over 1.44%
oil 1.41%
access 1.38%
partner 1.33%
supply 1.25%
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