41.   Versteeg hopes to mount his sensors on this robot so that it can pace the desert, revealing what lies below.

42.   What lies below deck is, if anything, even more impressive.

43.   About two-thirds of the Netherlands lies below sea level.

44.   After a block the size of a shoe box is cut, brine that lies just below the surface rapidly fills the hole.

45.   Although the bitterness of many Greeks has waned, much of the resentment still lies just below the surface.

46.   Below lie the huge houses and tree-lined roads of Kosmos, a wealthy, nearly all-white neighborhood near a yacht club and a golf resort.

47.   Central Shanghai lies below the rainy-season level of the Huangpu, and the city is shielded by a giant flood wall.

48.   Central Shanghai lies below the level reached by the river during the rainy season, and the city is shielded by a giant flood wall.

49.   Flooding is always a threat for this soggy country, more than half of which lies below sea level.

50.   Flood insurance is not available in the flood-prone Netherlands, half of which lies below sea level.

v. + below >>共 528
remain 6.96%
list 4.70%
live 4.17%
dip 4.06%
trade 2.71%
lie 2.37%
sell 2.18%
describe 2.11%
perform 1.73%
drop 1.65%
lie + p. >>共 72
in 27.79%
on 14.79%
about 8.46%
to 8.28%
down 7.87%
off 3.93%
at 3.35%
out 3.05%
under 2.90%
for 1.91%
below 0.49%
每页显示:    共 63