41.   Cozma led the miners to the capital twice in the past decade, resulting a rampage through the city that left nine dead and forced the government to resign.

42.   Despite instituting a ban after riots two weeks ago left one dead and scores injured, authorities in Jordan tolerated protests.

43.   Feuding between rival fishing communities in the Ivory Coast has escalated into violent clashes that in recent days have left five dead, a newspaper reported Monday.

44.   Gunmen storm National Palace in attempted coup that leaves several dead, government officials say.

45.   He said artillery attacks this week at Achkhoy Martan had left nine dead.

46.   Hindu mobs joined bloody battles between heavily armed Muslims and riot police in a northern Indian industrial city, leaving six dead Sunday in spreading religious riots.

47.   In the northern city of Medan, scene of violent rioting earlier this week that left two dead, troops patrolled the streets but many shops remained closed.

48.   Meanwhile, four provincial cities were reported calm after election-related violence Saturday that left eight dead, Kayhan newspaper reported.

49.   Near every demolished apartment building, there is a corner where the dead are left for identification by anxious relatives.

50.   Saudi authorities stormed the plane, leaving three dead.

v. + dead >>共 242
bury 16.27%
leave 9.61%
identify 8.27%
fear 5.22%
honor 4.78%
mourn 3.39%
report 3.05%
find 2.89%
brain 2.50%
remember 1.72%
leave + n. >>共 926
country 4.98%
office 3.08%
game 2.96%
room 2.27%
home 1.93%
town 1.56%
hospital 1.48%
company 1.43%
field 1.27%
area 1.27%
dead 0.41%
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