41.   He also reminded them that the league office has resources to help teams identify candidates.

42.   He cited a similarly indefinite response from Kosc to the league office.

43.   He and other owners have been pushing to get a proportionate amount of revenues from licensing products sold through the league office.

44.   He has sent countless e-mails to Stern and the league office to express his dissatisfaction.

45.   He said he would forward the letters to the American and National league offices Thursday.

46.   He knows he could probably get a job in the league office as long as David Stern is running the show.

47.   He then sent film of seven plays to the league office in New York and asked that they be reviewed.

48.   I am interested in the so-called lines, especially the first weekend, because at the league office we had to know about them.

49.   However, the league office and the Players Association is clamping down on leaks after the Warren Sapp episode.

50.   I talk to someone in the league office at least once a week.

n. + office >>共 479
government 16.02%
liaison 4.05%
press 3.74%
head 3.11%
branch 2.88%
league 2.00%
law 1.87%
field 1.80%
district 1.78%
trade 1.73%
league + n. >>共 598
official 6.95%
leader 6.54%
title 6.35%
game 5.85%
match 5.79%
office 3.54%
champion 3.43%
history 3.41%
rule 2.52%
championship 2.38%
每页显示:    共 204