41.   Most are charged with crimes related to a terror campaign by Kurdish separatists.

42.   Most of the jailed journalists were charged with crimes related to a terror campaign by Kurdish separatists.

43.   Most of the others in jail are reporters who were charged with crimes related to a terror campaign by Kurdish separatists.

44.   Nor did it say how many or which militant Kurdish separatists would be returned to Turkey.

45.   Saddam Hussein ordered troops into northern Iraq Saturday to crush Kurdish separatists in a mountainous enclave protected by U.S.-led forces.

46.   Scores of Turkish businesses have been attacked by Kurdish separatists and German radicals over the past few years.

47.   Saddam Hussein ordered troops into northern Iraq Saturday to crush a group of Kurdish separatists in a mountainous enclave protected by U.S.-led forces.

48.   Syria accused Turkish Prime Minister Mesut Yilmaz Monday of seeking to provoke tension with Damascus by alleging that Syria supports Kurdish separatists fighting the Ankara government.

49.   The army is fighting Kurdish separatists in southeastern Turkey.

50.   The banners and grafitti found at the scene promoted the Turkish leftist group Dev-Sol, which supports Kurdish separatists in their war for autonomy in southeastern Turkey.

a. + separatist >>共 164
basque 14.05%
muslim 10.34%
albanian 9.72%
moslem 9.39%
ethnic 7.93%
kurdish 5.85%
tamil 5.17%
suspected 3.60%
armed 3.32%
serb 3.26%
kurdish + n. >>共 371
rebel 23.87%
faction 5.99%
guerrilla 5.91%
group 4.30%
leader 2.43%
area 2.41%
separatist 2.09%
refugee 2.07%
state 1.73%
region 1.65%
每页显示:    共 103