41.   Eliza Grierson was known as a gossip of Olympian standards.

42.   Enter Sub Pop, the label that ultimately became known as the home of grunge.

43.   Even today many members of these tribes live in multi-occupation dwellings made from sun-dried mud bricks known as adobe.

44.   Eventually he Decided to move from the town where he had been known as a prosperous citizen.

45.   Extended Response Commonly known as an essay, this form of assessment is the most open-ended type of written test.

46.   Few, for instance, are found near the critical regions known as homeobox gene clusters.

47.   Finally, the rib transfer carriage can be used for pattern knitting, for knitting what is known as shadow lace.

48.   For most users, this requires a software program known as a telnet client.

49.   For part of its life, the site was run as two separate mills, known as the Abbey and Town Mills.

50.   For this purpose the Gurdjieff system uses a technique known as Self-observation.

v. + as >>共 749
know 10.51%
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emerge 1.74%
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as 53.85%
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