41.   A batch of soft, fresh ice cream is quintessentially American, and the cranking can keep kids busy while adults relax.

42.   A Dutch businessman had sent a million bulbs to New York residents, a gift that has kept hands busy across the city during an anxious season.

43.   A spate of recent corporate issues has also kept investors busy.

44.   A. There are enough Beatles sites and tours in both cities to keep you busy for days.

45.   After keeping himself busy benching, cursing and coddling Kemp for much of the season, Karl then appeared to cry before calling off the press meeting.

46.   All across America the changing of names from Indian to plain American would keep us busy for years.

47.   All this, of course, keeps Mann busy.

48.   Boxing, as a competitor and a trainer, kept him busy.

49.   But drought conditions last year kept firefighters busy throughout the summer.

50.   But he has nonetheless kept her busy, inviting her to perform in concerts in Cologne, in the Cincinnati May Festival and, soon, in Paris.

v. + busy >>共 5
keep 95.62%
find 1.68%
get 1.35%
see 1.01%
consider 0.34%
keep + a. >>共 756
alive 10.07%
secret 7.59%
low 5.13%
open 4.09%
warm 3.76%
busy 3.37%
confidential 2.18%
happy 2.08%
afloat 2.04%
simple 1.97%
每页显示:    共 282