41.   A jury convicted Atkins as the triggerman and sentenced him to death.

42.   A jury convicted him of criminally negligent homicide.

43.   A jury convicted the Doggetts of one count each of child rape, but acquitted them of other counts involving four of their five children.

44.   A largely white Manhattan jury convicted Goetz only of illegal gun possession, acquitting him of attempted murder and assault.

45.   A Middlesex Superior Court jury originally convicted Woodward of second-degree murder but Judge Hiller Zobel reduced the conviction to involuntary manslaughter last November.

46.   A jury convicted Brazill of second-degree murder last month in the shooting death of Grunow.

47.   A jury convicted him of robbing the Taco Bell, marching Falconio and Hunter to a back closet and shooting them in the back of the head.

48.   A jury convicted Mateo last month and sentenced him to die, rejecting arguments that his life should be spared because he had been physically abused as a child.

49.   A jury convicted Woodward of second degree murder in the death of eight-month old Matthew Eappen of Newton.

50.   A jury had convicted each of voluntary manslaughter and firearms possession in the shooting deaths of ATF Agents Steven Willis, Conway LeBleu, Todd McKeehan and Robert Williams.

n. + convict >>共 157
court 28.15%
jury 26.63%
man 5.89%
people 3.25%
juror 2.85%
judge 2.74%
tribunal 2.44%
panel 1.02%
defendant 1.02%
evidence 0.81%
jury + v. >>共 329
be 11.77%
find 11.27%
convict 5.95%
decide 4.93%
acquit 4.52%
hear 4.30%
deliberate 3.43%
return 2.52%
have 2.36%
begin 2.14%
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