41.   Khmer Rouge officials regularly travel through Thailand to and from their jungle bases near the border between the two countries.

42.   Khmer Rouge regularly travel through Thailand to and from their jungle bases near the border between the two countries.

43.   Operating from jungle bases along the Thai border and actively supported by China, Pol Pot returned to Cambodia to wage a guerrilla war against the pro-Vietnamese government.

44.   Pol Pot, however, is still believed to lead the Khmer Rouge from jungle bases along the Thai border.

45.   Security forces have been trying to dislodge the rebels from dozens of jungle bases in the region.

46.   Sankoh returned on Wednesday from his jungle bases in Sierra Leone, where he had spent five days discussing the peace process with his fighters.

47.   Sri Lankan security forces were Wednesday poised for a major offensive against jungle bases of Tamil Tiger guerrillas in the east of the country, defence sources here said.

48.   Tamil Tiger guerrillas have abandoned several jungle bases in eastern Sri Lanka in the face of ground, air and artillery attacks, the military and rebels said Friday.

49.   Tamil Tiger guerrillas have abandoned several small jungle bases in eastern Sri Lanka in the face of an army offensive in the region, the military said Friday.

50.   The ICRC assisted for more than three months in negotiations to free the hostages and visited them at the jungle base where they were held.

n. + base >>共 609
army 9.83%
datum 7.76%
power 6.82%
customer 6.64%
fan 5.43%
guerrilla 5.19%
rebel 4.84%
tax 3.74%
support 2.09%
capital 1.77%
jungle 0.98%
jungle + n. >>共 270
area 6.34%
region 6.23%
base 5.78%
hideout 4.30%
camp 3.51%
town 2.72%
warfare 1.93%
terrain 1.70%
border 1.59%
road 1.47%
每页显示:    共 51