41.   StarLink is one of several varieties of corn that contains a bacterium gene that makes it toxic to insect pests.

42.   The altered corn produces its own pesticide to kill an insect pest.

43.   Temperature extremes, nearly constant winds and finally greenbugs and other insect pests all took turns pounding the poor crop.

44.   The agency is also considering tighter planting restrictions on both Bt corn and Bt cotton to prevent the development of insect pests that are resistant to the toxin.

45.   The corn, which is genetically engineered to be toxic to insect pests, was never approved for human consumption.

46.   The corn contains a bacterium gene that makes it toxic to an insect pest.

47.   The corn, known as Bt for a bacterium gene it contains, is genetically altered to produce its own pesticide to kill an insect pest.

48.   The crops are engineered to be toxic to insect pests or to be resistant to a popular weed killer.

49.   The new strain also has been bred to have immunity to blight and other diseases and be resistant to a host of insect pests.

50.   The most popular, and most controversial, type of biotech corn is genetically modified to kill an insect pest.

a. + pest >>共 157
insect 15.07%
major 5.48%
integrated 4.66%
garden 3.01%
agricultural 3.01%
common 3.01%
exotic 1.92%
local 1.64%
biological 1.37%
new 1.37%
insect + n. >>共 172
pest 10.11%
bite 8.82%
repellent 7.72%
infestation 4.78%
larva 4.04%
damage 3.31%
species 3.31%
population 3.13%
life 2.57%
problem 2.02%
每页显示:    共 55