41.   Twelve soldiers were injured before the man was shot to death by Israeli troops.

42.   Two American soldiers were injured.

43.   Peter Lerner, a spokesman for the Israeli Civil Administration, said an Israeli soldier was lightly injured during the clashes.

44.   Palestinians detonated explosives, slightly injuring one soldier, the army said.

45.   Palestinian rioters threw a pipebomb from a roof at Israeli troops below, injuring one soldier who limped away from the scene.

46.   Palestinians threw a fire bomb at an Israeli military jeep in Hebron Tuesday, lightly injuring two soldiers, military sources said.

47.   Palestinians threw a pipe bomb from a roof at Israeli troops below, injuring a soldier, who limped away from the scene.

48.   Peter Lerner, a spokesman for the Israeli Civil Administration, said an Israeli soldier was lightly injured during the clashes near the divided town of Hebron.

49.   Protesters stoned two NATO jeeps and Maj. Jon Joosten, a spokesman for NATO forces, said two soldiers were injured.

50.   Police said separatist militants fired on two polling stations, injuring three soldiers in a firefight.

v. + soldier >>共 419
kill 25.29%
wound 12.64%
injure 5.86%
send 2.02%
shoot 1.52%
include 1.46%
deploy 1.43%
accuse 1.37%
see 1.27%
arrest 1.22%
injure + n. >>共 352
people 25.24%
soldier 5.22%
policeman 4.06%
person 3.26%
man 2.52%
knee 2.29%
officer 2.10%
civilian 2.07%
woman 2.04%
dozen 1.99%
每页显示:    共 586