41.   The Herald also said the submission contains evidence that compensation payments to dispossessed Aborigines would cripple taxpayers and hinder mining development.

42.   This could hinder their development as they must be first taught the importance of education and learn to love learning, she says.

43.   He spoke of their need for help in privatisation, whose delay he said was hindering their development.

44.   A coup leader earlier said the coup was staged because there were many interests hindering development of the country.

45.   Failure to resolve the issue has hindered development of the region.

46.   The recurrent abductions of foreigners in Yemen hinder economic development and scare off investors, US Ambassador in Sanaa Edmund Hull has warned.

47.   The report also said lower castes, women and certain ethnic groups continued to face discrimination, hindering development.

48.   Vietnamese press reports have accused South Korean managers of abusing workers, paying less than the minimum wage and hindering the development of unions that are required under law.

49.   Negotiators should also hammer out an agreement to regulate cross-strait investment, Chen said, maintaining that political differences should not hinder the development of economic ties.

50.   Officials say that in both poor countries the presence of mines hinders economic development.

v. + development >>共 677
promote 3.50%
encourage 3.44%
discuss 3.24%
monitor 3.16%
watch 2.97%
include 1.94%
spur 1.90%
follow 1.90%
support 1.72%
await 1.52%
hinder 1.05%
hinder + n. >>共 385
effort 10.49%
ability 4.26%
development 3.95%
progress 3.80%
growth 3.65%
investigation 3.42%
work 2.28%
competition 2.05%
prosecution 1.67%
recovery 1.52%
每页显示:    共 52