41.   Women who have served in the military have never attained a rank higher than Special Colonel.

42.   He seems to have been fairly neutral in the fierce internal fights in the higher ranks of the regime.

43.   The Royal Air Force was said to exclude black personnel from higher ranks and parades.

44.   Protest groups campaigning for a change to a professional army are unimpressed by the grumblings in the higher ranks.

a. + rank >>共 415
top 7.53%
party 4.17%
republican 3.52%
highest 3.41%
growing 3.03%
military 2.98%
senior 2.82%
high 2.49%
lower 2.44%
higher 2.38%
higher + n. >>共 561
price 9.70%
rate 9.29%
cost 3.86%
level 3.19%
tax 2.43%
wage 2.40%
yield 2.11%
return 2.03%
profit 1.62%
court 1.49%
rank 0.15%
每页显示:    共 44