41.   In early testing, it brought on worrisome allergic reactions, suppressed blood-forming bone marrow cells, caused numbness and tingling and disrupted heart rhythms.

42.   In another case, the surgery caused an abnormal heart rhythm and the patient needed a procedure to destroy damaged nerve fibers that were disrupting his heartbeat.

43.   In that process, doctors use electric jolts to restore normal heart rhythm.

44.   In women, irregular heart rhythms are especially likely to show up around the time of menopause, physicians report.

45.   Indianapolis-based Guidant makes products used to control heart rhythm and coronary artery disease.

46.   It can respond to problems with a series of precisely timed pulses to slow a rapid heart rhythm, or administer a mammoth jolt for more serious disturbances.

47.   It advises them to cough hard and repeatedly to stabilize the heart rhythm, citing Rochester General as the source of the advice.

48.   It can cause abnormal heart rhythms and cardiac arrest.

49.   Irregular heart rhythms can cause dizziness while driving, and chronic insomnia can diminish alertness and increase the risk of dozing off at the wheel.

50.   It is known as paroxysmal atritial fibriillailn because it produces brief bursts of irregular heart rhythm.

n. + rhythm >>共 122
heart 37.58%
dance 5.45%
body 3.64%
rock 1.82%
samba 1.82%
guitar 1.21%
reggae 1.21%
salsa 1.21%
sinus 1.21%
waltz 1.21%
heart + n. >>共 373
surgery 15.46%
problem 13.92%
trouble 7.61%
condition 6.20%
operation 4.41%
ailment 4.09%
transplant 3.37%
patient 2.95%
muscle 2.90%
rhythm 2.10%
每页显示:    共 123