41.   The first black to head the agency, Kennard said he sought to bring new telecommunications services to groups that historically have had less access than other Americans.

42.   The president has directed that the agency be headed indefinitely by Richardson and that Richardson fill key agency positions with DOE officials already holding similar posts in the department.

43.   The two agencies were headed by Eduardo Pilapil, a former postmaster general who served as acting tourism secretary until his confirmation was blocked by the Senate.

44.   President Bill Clinton on Wednesday nominated acting CIA chief George Tenet -- an intelligence insider with strong ties to Congress -- to head the agency.

45.   President Bill Clinton appointed CIA Deputy Director Admiral William Studeman Thursday to head the agency temporarily until a replacement is found for Woolsey.

46.   The government announcement did not say whether Prince Bolkiah would continue to head the agency, but sources said he was unlikely to hold that post.

v. + agency >>共 615
say 8.43%
file 2.79%
accuse 1.76%
create 1.73%
criticize 1.70%
leave 1.64%
head 1.48%
run 1.41%
prevent 1.31%
set_up 1.28%
head + n. >>共 952
delegation 4.54%
team 3.62%
ball 3.35%
group 3.15%
committee 2.91%
list 2.83%
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investigation 2.04%
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