41.   It originally was commissioned by Microsoft Network, then was handed off to partner MGM Interactive before finally ending up back with Kaplan and Sanborn.

42.   Janet Evans, the penultimate torch escort, learned whom she would hand off to only moments before she began her jog.

43.   James is the only running back Manning has handed off to this year.

44.   Johnson had handed off to Taylor, who handed off to Green, whose pass found Johnson open on the right side.

45.   Last week planes were being readied for Britain, Saudi Arabia and Singapore, and being handed off to a smiling delegation from China.

46.   Like Clinton, Reagan was a popular outgoing president, but his approach to handing off is viewed differently.

47.   Local wholesalers take that tax and hand it off to the florists.

48.   Longer-term issues will be handed off to a bipartisan commission.

49.   Later, when Richard asked his dad for the ball, he discovered that his father had handed it off to a young fan.

50.   Millions saw the page one photograph on Thursday of a bloodied baby being handed off by a police officer to a firefighter.

v. + off >>共 462
lay 5.85%
cut 5.13%
set 4.53%
kick 3.62%
touch 3.30%
fight 2.65%
pay 2.52%
close 2.39%
break 2.10%
call 1.86%
hand 0.34%
hand + p. >>共 42
over 58.82%
down 18.81%
off 3.38%
at 2.82%
for 2.73%
in 2.67%
by 1.85%
up 1.26%
on 1.17%
through 0.94%
每页显示:    共 114