41.   Withdraw the special Serbian police units from Kosovo and halt attacks on civilians.

42.   Would the White House diminish the chances of snaring bin Laden for the sake of halting anti-India attacks in Kashmir?

43.   Others in his group, however have denied they would consider halting attacks.

44.   Peacekeepers fire their biggest gun at rebel Serb positions for the second day Monday in hopes of halting attacks on U.N. convoys using the only land route into Sarajevo.

45.   Peres recalled turning to Syria via American mediators to halt Hezbollah attacks.

46.   A congressional committee on Friday began probing allegations by a former hostage that the army accepted bribes to halt attacks against a Muslim extremist kidnap group.

47.   A leader of the Muslim militant Hamas group said Wednesday the group would not halt suicide attacks because Israel has not met any of its demands.

48.   A leaflet signed by Izzedine al Qassam said the group was ready to halt attacks temporarily if all Hamas supporters were released from Palestinian jails.

49.   A top Israeli military officer indicated that Israel would halt its attacks if the Shiite Muslim Hezbollah guerrillas stopped firing Katyusha rockets at northern Israel.

50.   A truck bomb explodes with deadly effect and world leaders condemn terrorism but can offer no plan to halt attacks grown all too common in the world.

v. + attack >>共 478
launch 8.81%
prevent 4.71%
condemn 4.68%
carry 4.29%
follow 3.85%
plan 3.70%
stop 3.24%
blame 2.73%
stage 2.39%
report 1.79%
halt 1.68%
halt + n. >>共 855
attack 4.58%
production 3.15%
construction 2.86%
traffic 2.82%
violence 2.74%
operation 2.59%
work 2.17%
sale 1.81%
play 1.79%
service 1.49%
每页显示:    共 274