41.   BP has major oil production installations in the northeast Cano Limon region were rebel guerrilla groups often attack.

42.   But five years later, the same guerrilla group took over the Palace of Justice.

43.   But other observers have cast doubt about the extent to which Syria directs the activities of the guerrilla group.

44.   But other politicians, including Sinn Fein officials, noted that the guerrilla group had dropped its explicit vow last August not to disarm.

45.   But the guerrilla group recently expelled a government prosecutor they found troublesome.

46.   But the Hezbollah has lost far more men, the Israeli general said, boasting that no guerrilla group has suffered greater losses.

47.   But they praised the guerrilla group for providing them with fresh clothes, good food, free birth control, jewelry and self-esteem.

48.   But they said that leftist guerrilla groups and gangs of cocaine traffickers had engaged in such acts of terrorism in the past and that they were investigating both possibilities.

49.   By offering rebels housing allowances, academic grants and a smattering of state jobs, the government, over the years, persuaded several small guerrilla groups to disband.

50.   Commanders seemed to sprout like mushrooms and nominal leaders had no control over forces acting in the name of the guerrilla group in the next village.

n. + group >>共 591
opposition 6.73%
rebel 6.18%
consumer 3.64%
guerrilla 3.50%
advocacy 3.21%
right 3.08%
business 3.06%
trade 2.54%
industry 2.40%
aid 2.39%
guerrilla + n. >>共 400
group 17.66%
war 8.93%
attack 8.49%
leader 6.86%
base 3.95%
movement 3.38%
hideout 3.35%
position 3.34%
fighter 3.01%
warfare 2.68%
每页显示:    共 1200