41.   But Israel also demanded security guarantees that guerrillas not attack its border.

42.   But Israel also demanded security guarantees, including a promise that guerrillas would not attack its northern towns and that allied militiamen in the south would be protected.

43.   But Israel also demanded security guarantees, which include that guerrillas not attack its border and that allied militiamen in the south be protected.

44.   But Israel also demanded security guarantees, which included that guerrillas not attack its border and that allied militiamen in the south be protected.

45.   But it could invite more, rather than less, violence if the Iran-backed Hezbollah guerrillas attack Israeli border settlements.

46.   But police, who are also Muslims, said guerrillas attacked first.

47.   Colombian guerrillas are attacking Venezuelan positions in order to drag the two nations into a border war, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Burelli said Tuesday.

48.   Covarrubias said guerrillas have been attacking government patrols in central Mindanao.

49.   Communist guerrillas attacked a group of cars escorting the chief justice of Nepal, killing six people, police said Sunday.

50.   De Silva said the guerrillas attacked the post first with small arms, retreated into the jungles, and then launched a second attack using mortars and machine guns.

n. + attack >>共 840
rebel 8.85%
guerrilla 5.22%
warplane 4.73%
force 4.26%
gunman 3.00%
mob 2.57%
militant 2.43%
troop 2.40%
group 2.34%
man 2.19%
guerrilla + v. >>共 658
fire 7.81%
attack 6.22%
be 4.77%
kill 4.00%
ambush 2.86%
fight 2.59%
detonate 2.49%
say 2.24%
use 2.15%
launch 1.28%
每页显示:    共 337