41.   France has said that it would only take part in the operation if US ground troops are also involved.

42.   British General Michael Walker, the commander of NATO-led ground troops in Bosnia who met Koschnick Friday, said the situation had improved at Mostar.

43.   De Charette made it clear there will no mission without the participation of the US -- which has offered logistical support but no ground troops.

44.   The US House of Representatives voted by more than a two thirds majority Monday to oppose the deployment of US ground troops in Bosnia without congressional approval.

45.   US ground troops and helicopter sorties were combing the jungles for refugees still on the run.

46.   US ground troops deployed in Kuwait last month after an Iraqi buildup near the border should be home in time for Christmas, a US army official said Wednesday.

47.   Washington has said it would offer airlift and logistical support, but no US ground troops for the multinational force, which so far has no leader.

48.   US media reports late Friday stated that US ground troops are poised to depart for Kandahar to relieve Marines in place in the southern Afghan city.

49.   Washington has said it would offer airlift and logistical support, but no US ground troops for the multinational force which so far has no leader.

50.   When a soldier asked whether US ground troops would be needed in the future, Rumsfeld said they would.

v. + troop >>共 445
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withdraw 8.49%
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pull 2.68%
have 2.57%
station 2.15%
contribute 2.04%
accuse 2.02%
mass 1.78%
commit 1.44%
grind 0.47%
grind + n. >>共 250
tooth 8.82%
troop 8.50%
force 4.09%
pepper 3.94%
way 2.52%
plane 2.20%
airline 2.05%
aircraft 1.73%
seed 1.73%
beef 1.73%
每页显示:    共 54