41.   Independent labor unions were recognized, regional autonomies were granted, and even the Communist Party was legalized.

42.   Indonesia has put forward an offer to grant autonomy as part of ongoing U.N.-sponsored negotiations with Portugal.

43.   Indonesia has rejected the demand and instead has offered to grant autonomy to the province in connection with U.N.-sponsored talks with Portugal.

44.   Indonesian President B.J. Habibie has pledged to grant special autonomy to East Timor in return for international recognition that East Timor is an integral part of Indonesia.

45.   Instead, international mediators have proposed an interim arrangement granting broad autonomy to the majority Albanian province subject to review after a period of a few years.

46.   Israel withdrew troops and granted autonomy to the Gaza Strip and the West Bank town of Jericho in May.

47.   Israeli ministers also have announced plans to expand Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, where the Palestinians have been granted limited autonomy.

48.   Indonesia has offered to grant autonomy to East Timor in exchange for an end to a separatist guerrilla war and international recognition of its sovereignty.

49.   Indonesia has offered to grant autonomy to East Timor, but has flatly rejected demands by pro-independence activists that a referendum be held.

50.   It won plaudits for granting operational autonomy to the Bank of England and has presided over an era of low inflation and peppy growth.

v. + autonomy >>共 171
seek 11.74%
grant 8.17%
extend 7.41%
have 5.83%
want 5.15%
give 4.53%
demand 4.19%
enjoy 2.88%
support 2.75%
launch 2.54%
grant + n. >>共 628
amnesty 6.33%
permission 4.99%
asylum 4.13%
request 4.10%
immunity 3.28%
visa 3.06%
access 3.03%
bail 2.78%
interview 2.60%
approval 2.50%
autonomy 1.66%
每页显示:    共 118