41.   In many parts of Pakistan, hardline groups have threatened and attacked human rights workers, demanding that the government shut their offices.

42.   In December, the federal government shut down several money-transfer services that catered to Somalis, saying they were a source of money to fund terrorism.

43.   In the past the Orient House has been the scene of angry protests by right-wing Israelis who have demanded that the government shut down the site.

44.   In the past the Orient House has been the scene of angry protests by right wing Israelis who have demanded that the government shut down the compound.

45.   Israeli right-wing leaders have demanded the government shut down the building, which Palestinians appear to be using as a de facto foreign ministry.

46.   It allows the government to shut down so-called subversive publications and requires publishers to renew printing licenses every year.

47.   It has pressured the government to apply more control over them and made the government shut down religious-oriented secondary schools.

48.   Krongjit Kesa-wattana, a former executive of Royal International, said the government shut down the company without any sound reason.

49.   Last month the government shut schools for two weeks.

50.   Last month, the government shut down the High Island Detention Center, the last remaining camp for the Vietnamese.

n. + shut >>共 487
government 6.55%
authority 5.53%
police 4.88%
strike 3.93%
door 3.78%
official 3.13%
company 2.98%
slam 1.31%
system 1.09%
eye 1.09%
government + v. >>共 732
say 7.34%
be 6.16%
have 3.74%
take 1.68%
announce 1.61%
plan 1.45%
try 1.45%
want 1.26%
make 1.24%
deny 1.19%
shut 0.09%
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