41.   Hunters, anglers, campers and bird-watchers are now seen as an economic resource, generating income for rural Texas with little damage to the environment.

42.   How should we invest his Social Security checks and the proceeds from the sale of his house in order to generate the income to cover the expense?

43.   In addition, the gangs sometimes simply take over vacant buildings so the real owner can generate no income to repay loans.

44.   In outlying posts, officers put soldiers to work as farmers to feed the troops and generate income to buy them uniforms and shoes.

45.   In part that is fueling the desire of teams to seek new stadiums, with luxury boxes that generate greater income.

46.   Investors and money managers are expected to use that money to buy shares of companies that generate income outside Canada, analysts said.

47.   Investors like them because they can expect to generate income with less uncertainty than buying into a single building since they own interests in a number of buildings.

48.   It divided the membership into groups that intend to generate income by catering, growing and selling produce, soap-making and raising poultry.

49.   It happened a decade ago with so-called option-income funds, bond funds that wrote up options to generate income but instead led to big losses.

50.   Investment banks generate income by taking a percentage of the total value of a securities sale.

v. + income >>共 358
supplement 7.12%
generate 6.14%
have 5.93%
earn 4.52%
boost 3.80%
increase 3.58%
provide 3.03%
raise 2.47%
receive 2.30%
reduce 2.22%
generate + n. >>共 986
revenue 6.99%
electricity 4.00%
profit 3.24%
interest 2.94%
power 2.68%
income 2.47%
lot 2.03%
excitement 1.96%
cash 1.89%
controversy 1.75%
每页显示:    共 143