41.   The authorities said there was nothing to link the man to UNITA rebels, who fund their campaign mainly with diamond sales.

42.   The government could not be involved in funding the campaigns.

43.   The members, mostly unemployed young men, often extort money from villagers to fund their campaign.

44.   The rebels increasingly fund their campaigns by taxing the drug trade.

45.   The state-run Indian Oil Corp., the paper said, has agreed to fund the campaign.

46.   The rebels used money from illegal diamond sales to buy weapons and fund their campaign of destruction.

47.   The vaccination campaign is funded by the government and international donor agencies.

48.   Their members, mostly unemployed young men, often forcibly extort money from poor villagers to fund their campaign.

49.   Without any political machinery to back him up, Marcos successfully used his gold to fund his campaigns, first for congressman and later for president.

50.   Saudi charity organisations have repeatedly denied any connection with funding terror campaigns.

v. + campaign >>共 789
launch 9.99%
begin 4.48%
bomb 3.55%
wage 3.32%
run 2.65%
start 2.43%
mount 2.43%
lead 2.38%
finance 2.28%
continue 2.18%
fund 0.73%
fund + n. >>共 660
project 8.46%
program 5.97%
research 4.39%
study 4.36%
purchase 3.67%
operation 1.97%
activity 1.87%
campaign 1.74%
construction 1.47%
effort 1.31%
每页显示:    共 53