41.   Yet throughout the ordeal, certain almost inexpressible bonds were forged among those who endured.

42.   Advocating temperance is almost considered anti-social because liquor plays a crucial role in forging bonds in Japanese society, a fact reflected in the way it is consumed.

43.   During the German bombing of Britain, the two forged a bond of solidarity with the British people that won her the steadfast loyalty of most of a generation.

44.   King Abdullah began forging such bonds Tuesday as throngs of common Jordanians streamed to Raghdan Palace from desert camps and distant villages to offer their condolences.

45.   King Abdullah worked Wednesday to forge such bonds as throngs of common Jordanians streamed to Raghdan Palace from desert camps and distant villages to offer their condolences.

46.   Strong bonds were forged during the Qana shellings, when blue-helmeted Fijian soldiers wept in the ruins as they tended the wounded.

47.   The Prince of Wales spoke earlier of forging new bonds of friendship between two countries which have resumed burgeoning bilateral trade.

48.   The prince spoke Tuesday of forging new bonds between Britain and Argentina.

49.   Nepalese Prime Minister Man Mohan Adhikari also said that SAARC should face issues other than economic cooperation if it is to forge stronger bonds.

v. + bond >>共 490
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forge 0.91%
forge + n. >>共 296
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alliance 9.75%
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每页显示:    共 49