41.   He methodically worked at expanding his network of supporters around the state, forging alliances with fellow House members and local officials.

42.   He has forged an alliance with the Massoud forces that aims to halt the Taliban and prevent them from imposing a Muslim fundamentalist regime across all of Afghanistan.

43.   He predicts Brazil will toss out its anti-trust concerns and let carriers there, including Varig, forge new alliances.

44.   He said future plans called for forging alliances with hospitals or group practices and acquiring hospitals or medical centers.

45.   He said the way to obtain results in the post-Cold-War world is to forge alliances to exert influence, rather than trying to act unilaterally.

46.   His compassion was also a political weapon, allowing him to forge alliances beyond the homosexual constituency.

47.   Imam Muhammad has strived to forge an alliance between the races and welcome people of all backgrounds to the movement.

48.   In Germany, Mannesmann has forged an alliance called Accord to develop wired voice and data networks like those that Infostrada operates in Italy.

49.   In February, ViaTech forged an alliance with TVT Records, a large independent record label that includes Snoop Dogg and Nine Inch Nails on its roster of artists.

50.   In order to do so, it will have to forge an alliance with Catalan nationalists, with whom the PP has serious differences.

v. + alliance >>共 403
join 11.35%
forge 8.96%
announce 4.55%
seek 4.18%
have 3.45%
form 2.66%
make 2.57%
create 2.30%
build 1.98%
expand 1.88%
forge + n. >>共 296
tie 11.06%
alliance 9.75%
link 6.30%
document 6.10%
agreement 5.90%
compromise 3.10%
partnership 2.80%
coalition 2.60%
relationship 2.45%
signature 2.45%
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