41.   Neoforma wanted these companies to finance its operations by paying fees for each product sold through its Web site.

42.   Most gambling stocks fell last year, partly because of the rising costs of borrowing to finance new operations.

43.   New York school districts draw on a combination of local property taxes and state aid to finance their operations.

44.   Old CIA hands said many of the caches contained gold, either British sovereigns or French Napoleons, intended to finance the operation of stay-behind units.

45.   Prior to the proposed IPO, VeriSign has financed its operations through a series of private common and preferred stock offers.

46.   Proceeds from concerts, compact discs and related items help finance the operations of major neo-Nazi and racist revolutionary groups.

47.   Riyadh has not yet fully joined the international effort to block bank accounts thought to be financing terrorist operations, American officials say.

48.   Rising interest rates are bad for stocks because they make it more expensive to borrow the money needed to finance operations.

49.   Rebel taxes on illegal crops are a major revenue source that helps finance rebel operations.

50.   Some experts believe the al-Qaida terrorist network may not need bin Laden to survive, arguing he only finances operations.

v. + operation >>共 566
have 6.25%
suspend 3.32%
resume 2.96%
begin 2.89%
undergo 2.40%
expand 2.34%
launch 2.22%
perform 2.04%
conduct 1.92%
run 1.88%
finance 1.34%
finance + n. >>共 820
project 8.30%
purchase 4.25%
campaign 3.05%
operation 2.92%
acquisition 2.40%
construction 2.33%
expansion 2.22%
program 2.18%
activity 2.05%
minister 1.78%
每页显示:    共 157