41.   Construction and farm work normally pick up as winter recedes.

42.   Faday walked to Baidoa in neighboring Somalia in search of help after drought ended her farm work.

43.   Giving those jobs -- ranging from farm work to jobs in wealthy suburbs -- to foreigners would alleviate their desire to immigrate illegally, McCain said.

44.   Hiring a tutor allows the parents to concentrate on the ranch or farm work, which can be from dawn to dusk in busy seasons.

45.   Hundreds-of-thousand of bodies were never recovered, and remains continue to be unearthed occasionally by construction or farm work.

46.   Hyundai officials said the cattle were more suited for farm work than for slaughter.

47.   Hunzvi and the union have agreed that the squatters can stay on farms, but that violence must stop and farm work must be allowed to continue.

48.   Instead of letting them get rusty, they could be mobilised for farm work, such as digging water canals, reservoirs and embankments.

49.   Light plow pulling keeps muscles firm, but real farm work is relegated to lowlier beasts.

50.   Many of those workers take their vacations in summer, when farm work slows and children are out of school.

n. + work >>共 1751
construction 4.94%
police 2.89%
repair 2.89%
rescue 2.52%
maintenance 2.13%
charity 2.04%
relief 1.48%
restoration 1.30%
government 1.14%
community 1.12%
farm 0.72%
farm + n. >>共 589
worker 6.86%
bill 5.01%
animal 4.86%
system 4.58%
subsidy 3.91%
product 3.14%
program 2.54%
field 2.15%
minister 2.09%
land 2.01%
work 1.12%
每页显示:    共 65