41.   Now, while any child with a disability can get a voucher, only better-off families can afford schools offering special education.

42.   Often with low-rent apartments, there are heat or electrical problems and, sometimes, a family simply cannot afford the rent after they have moved in.

43.   Parents also seem to be feeling more pressure to buy computers for their children, and as prices drop, more families can afford them.

44.   Privately, mining officials say that the families could not afford the hydraulic machines and airstrips, which are financed by shadow owners.

45.   Plans allow for an additional two rooms to be added to the back of the houses later, as families can afford them.

46.   Prouve wanted a prefabricated-aluminum shed roof, but the family could not afford it.

47.   Rivaldo recalled that as a youngster his family could not afford bus fare to attend practice in Recife.

48.   Rose was in a public school, because the family could not afford tuition for both girls.

49.   Some families cannot afford the cost of transporting the body to an autopsy center.

50.   The family cannot afford the license fee.

n. + afford >>共 567
people 6.60%
country 4.95%
company 4.90%
family 4.69%
government 4.59%
team 2.22%
state 2.16%
city 1.96%
nation 1.91%
parent 1.44%
family + v. >>共 624
be 13.06%
have 6.05%
say 5.70%
live 3.78%
move 3.20%
take 1.26%
receive 1.20%
come 1.18%
own 1.17%
go 1.11%
afford 0.45%
每页显示:    共 90