41.   Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have all expressed interest in joining the western military alliance, and other western organisations, at the first possible opportunity.

a. + interest >>共 738
national 5.58%
best 4.28%
american 2.39%
strong 2.21%
particular 1.98%
renewed 1.87%
financial 1.81%
buying 1.61%
keen 1.58%
common 1.58%
expressed 0.28%
expressed + n. >>共 129
concern 13.65%
optimism 5.33%
interest 5.33%
confidence 4.55%
regret 3.90%
skepticism 3.90%
disappointment 3.64%
hope 3.51%
support 3.51%
surprise 3.38%
每页显示:    共 41